Help your employees and their families with tools to better manage healthcare expenses and prepare for future medical needs, enhancing both employee well-being and business productivity for improved financial results.
HSA’s (Health Saving Accounts) are too often an underutilized tool in wellness and healthcare. For employees (or the self-employed) a high-deductible health plan is one criteria for being able to open and contribute to an HSA. The potential for saving money in numerous ways and optimizing one’s health and well-being is enormous!
Let me know how I can support you in improving your health goals,
personally or professionally. Click the button below.
For over 30 years Lynn has been speaking to organizations on healthcare beliefs, and lifestyle. She is known as a trail blazer in the San Francisco Bay Area. These "challenging times" require more conscious dialogues, as we awaken to possibilities we can create.
A little bit of love from my cherished clients.
“We love Dr. Fraley’s presentations and her delightful energy. She is always very informative, refreshing, funny and exciting. Her several programs on different topics presented to our diverse audiences are always very well received. Content is practical and delivered in an interactive way that encourages questions. She’s a favorite presenter!”
- G.J., Major Insurance Corporation
“Dr. Lynn Fraley has provided our group with numerous fabulous presentations over the years. She’s expert at offering innovative and unconventional self-care strategies that save people valuable time and resources.”
-K.G., Program Manager; Hospital Education Network
“My group is always glad to hear Dr. Fraley’s very practical information, with its great take home value. She’s inspiring, stimulating, and very supportive of their growth.”
- B.B., Education Coordinator; SEIU
© Lynn Fraley 2018-2025
Author, Cherish the Girls, A Well-Rounded Approach to Breast Health and Wellness
Speaker, Educator & Mentor